
Saiba como se posicionar no e-commerce internacional e exportar para o mercado norte-americano.
Inscreva-se para aceleração com a Amazon.com

Estão abertas as inscrições para a Aceleração com a Amazon.com, um projeto integrante do Programa E-Xport da ApexBrasil, cuja missão é promover os negócios das empresas brasileiras por meio da inserção no comércio eletrônico internacional e melhorar a presença digital das empresas apoiadas pela ApexBrasil, de forma contínua e sustentável.

Se sua empresa já possui um faturamento de mais de 360 mil reais por ano e deseja começar a vender no mercado norte-americano por meio da Amazon.com nos próximos 06 meses, essa oportunidade é para você! A aceleração em negócios digitais oferece às empresas brasileiras a possibilidade de venderem no site da Amazon.com com o apoio de um gerente de contas especializado.

No dia 24 de outubro, às 10h, ApexBrasil e a Amazon.com Brasil realizam webinar para divulgar a segunda turma do Projeto de Aceleração – Amazon.com 2023. Durante o webinar, as empresas conhecerão melhor a ação e conhecerão um pouco mais sobre o caso de uma empresa atendida que já está vendendo na Amazon.com.

Inscreva-se na Aceleração e participe do webinar!

Oportunidade de Negócios com Compradores Internacionais:

Data: 24 de outubro
Horário: 10h (horário de Brasília)
Local: Plataforma On-line Teams





O Podcast “Fashion Label Brasil” atinge a 21ª posição dos mais ouvidos nos meses de Julho e Agosto no ranking francês na categoria Moda & Beleza da Apple

A moda brasileira está, definitivamente, cada vez mais presente nos radares internacionais. Desde a participação nas feiras mais importantes do setor como a Splash, Première Classe, Who’s Next (França), Cabana, SwimShow, Destination, Coterie, Magic NY, (Estados Unidos), White Milano, Pitti Uomo, (Itália), até a publicação de artigos significativos em mídias premium como um símbolo de originalidade e de frescor.

Além do trabalho remarcável e consistente das marcas made in Brazil, a ajuda do projeto de internacionalização da moda brasileira Fashion Label Brasil, criado pela ABEST (Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Moda) em parceria com a ApexBrasil (Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos), é um fator essencial dessa visibilidade internacional.

Ativa há mais de dezessete anos, a Fashion Label Brasil conta com atividades estratégicas e de promoção comercial para os diversos segmentos da moda brasileira, como feminino e masculino, moda praia, activewear, calçados e acessórios, joias e bijuterias, auxiliando os parceiros na ampliação de sua atuação no mercado internacional.
E para coroar a notoriedade de marcas como Lenny Niemeyer, Arcas Bear, Triya, We Oui, Sui Generis Artwear, Silvia Schaefer, Maria Pavan, ROOM, Serpui, entre outras, o podcast “Fashion Label Brasil”, lançado em junho desse ano com apoio da ABEST e da ApexBrasil, celebra a repercussão na França nos meses de julho e agosto, atingindo a 21ª posição na categoria Moda & Beleza da Apple.

O podcast, que tem como host a podcaster e jornalista francesa Chloé Cohen, referência em moda sustentável e dona do Podcast Nouveau Modèle, discute em Inglês temas cruciais como “Compra e venda: como convencer os compradores de grandes boutiques ou lojas de departamentos? ou “Como comunicar em torno das atitudes ecorresponsáveis?”.

Celeiro de ideias e de debate em torno de assuntos que interessam desde às marcas até o consumidor final, o podcast promove a moda brasileira e abre caminho para jovens criadores se posicionarem no cenário internacional. 

Com o depoimento de marcas nacionais já consagradas presentes nas feiras internacionais, o podcast ainda contou com a presença de convidados como Ghalia Boustani, Ph.D da “École Supérieure des Affaires, Mestra da “London College of Fashion” e consultora sênior em Paris da Univers Retail, colaborando no varejo e no gerenciamento do BHV (loja de departamentos do grupo Galeries Lafayette). Com dicas preciosas de como se apresentar aos grandes nomes do varejo internacional, Ghalia detalhou as etapas necessárias para ter sucesso nesse processo.

O tema do próximo do episódio, no ar no final desse mês, coloca em evidência a inclusão, assunto recorrente na moda: “Por que e como tornar a moda mais inclusiva e por que é essencial ter mais inclusão no setor, como fazê-lo e quais os desafios a superar para colocar em prática? ». O debate promete, no mínimo, ser rico em ideias.

A fim de divulgar as marcas brasileiras nos mercados internacionais, a Fashion Label Brasil e a ABEST contam o apoio da agência de relações publicas parisiense Cibele Maciet Communication (cibelemaciet.com), fundada há sete anos pela jornalista de moda Cibele Maciet. Baseada em Paris há quinze anos, Cibele é detentora de um Mestrado em Comunicação pela Sorbonne e atua como correspondente da Harper’s Bazaar Brasil há dez anos.

Para ouvir o Podcast “Fashion Label Brasil”, clique aqui.


Com sede em São Paulo, a Fashion Label Brasil é o programa de internacionalização da moda brasileira de valor agregado. 

Pertencente à ABEST (Associação Brasileira de Estilistas), o programa foi criado há mais de 17 anos em parceria com a ApexBrasil (Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos).

Atualmente, cerca de 150 marcas brasileiras são apoiadas pelo projeto, que posiciona a moda brasileira no exterior, valorizando a imagem de um Brasil inovador e contemporâneo.

O programa inclui atividades de promoção estratégica e comercial para os diversos segmentos da moda brasileira, como moda feminina e masculina, moda praia, moda esportiva, calçados e acessórios, joias e bijuterias, ajudando a expandir sua atuação no mercado internacional.



Com sede em São Paulo, a Fashion Label Brasil é o programa de internacionalização da moda brasileira de valor agregado. 

Pertencente à ABEST (Associação Brasileira de Estilistas), o programa foi criado há mais de 17 anos em parceria com a ApexBrasil (Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos).

Atualmente, cerca de 150 marcas brasileiras são apoiadas pelo projeto, que posiciona a moda brasileira no exterior, valorizando a imagem de um Brasil inovador e contemporâneo.

O programa inclui atividades de promoção estratégica e comercial para os diversos segmentos da moda brasileira, como moda feminina e masculina, moda praia, moda esportiva, calçados e acessórios, joias e bijuterias, ajudando a expandir sua atuação no mercado internacional.



A Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos atua para promover os produtos e serviços brasileiros no exterior e atrair investimentos estrangeiros para setores estratégicos da economia brasileira.

Para alcançar os objetivos, a ApexBrasil realiza ações diversificadas de promoção comercial que visam promover as exportações e valorizar os produtos e serviços brasileiros no exterior, como missões prospectivas e comerciais, rodadas de negócios, apoio à participação de empresas brasileiras em grandes feiras internacionais, visitas de compradores estrangeiros e formadores de opinião para conhecer a estrutura produtiva brasileira entre outras plataformas de negócios que também têm por objetivo fortalecer a marca Brasil.

A Agência também atua de forma coordenada com atores públicos e privados para atração de investimentos estrangeiros diretos (IED) para o Brasil com foco em setores estratégicos para o desenvolvimento da competitividade das empresas brasileiras e do país.

Internamente, há uma preocupação em fornecer aos colaboradores um ambiente organizacional igualitário e justo. Tal postura foi reconhecida com a certificação Great Place to Work, recebida em 2020.


Está no ar o segundo episódio do Podcast Fashion Label Brasil!

No nosso podcast, recebemos estilistas brasileiros e convidados especiais para trazer assuntos como desafios encontrados pelas marcas nas feiras internacionais e outras pautas atuais na moda brasileira.

Apresentado pela jornalista francesa Chloé Cohen, participam do bate papo as marcas Arcas Bear, Triya, We Oui, Sui Generis Artwear, Silvia Schaefer e Maria Pavan. O tema abordado foi “Como comunicar em torno das atitudes ecorresponsáveis na moda?”.

Disponível nas principais plataformas de áudio ou clique no link abaixo para ouvir!


Inspirada nas suas três cidades preferidas, Lenny Niemeyer lança sua coleção Destinos

Inspirada nas suas três cidades preferidas, Lenny Niemeyer lança sua coleção Destinos

Lenny Niemeyer buscou inspiração nas cidades brasileiras que abraçou ao longo de sua vida para desenvolver a sua nova coleção de verão/24. Os lugares que o destino lhe apresentou e que ela incorporou em sua essência e estilo serviram de base para a nova temporada.

A estilista teve como ponto de partida o Rio de Janeiro, principal fonte de inspiração e sua grande paixão. O balneário chique foi traduzido em cores frescas e estampas maximizadas. “Quando viajo, gosto de voltar de dia para poder chegar com a vista da Baía de Guanabara e toda a topografia da cidade, é uma das mais lindas que já vi na vida. Um lugar para explorar é o Sítio Burle Marx, além de ser um passeio delicioso, o acervo botânico é imperdível”, diz a estilista.

Do Rio, Lenny vai para Trancoso, seu principal destino de férias por anos, onde trouxe elementos rústicos e a sofisticação despretensiosa que fazem parte do DNA de sua marca. Segundo Lenny, seu lugar preferido em Trancoso é o próprio quadrado, onde podemos ver a praia e o espírito baiano.

São Paulo, cenário da adolescência, representa o seu interesse pela arquitetura e a botânica, universos que ela descobriu durante a faculdade, além do olhar para looks que possam transitar tanto na praia como na cidade. “São Paulo é praticamente onde eu vivi a vida inteira e é onde descobri meu interesse pela arquitetura. Gosto de visitar o MASP com projeto de Lina Bo Bardi, a Pinacoteca, o Auditório Ibirapuera… A cidade toda é rodeada por arte”, completa Lenny.

A grande aposta da temporada fica por conta das estampas exclusivas, como a Carrés, feita a partir de 4 lenços pintados à mão e a Burle, inspirada nas formas de Burle Marx e que pode ser vista no vestido lenço seda e maiô frente única gola alta. Os quimonos sem manga, em seda e linho, lisos e estampados, são tendências da marca para a estação, assim como a alfaiataria revisitada em lisos e estampas.

A marca elegeu Trancoso para fazer o shooting com a modelo Mari Calazan. Com fotos de Juliana Rocha, a campanha teve beleza assinada por Camila Anac e styling de Daniel Ueda.




BEAUTY CAMILA ANAC                               

STYLIST DANIEL UEDA                                  













In the podcast produced with the support of Fashion Label Brasil, ABEST and ApexBrasil, French journalist and mediator Chloé Cohen welcomed the successful Brazilian brands: Lenny Niemeyer, Catarina Mina, Yukio, and a special guest, Ghalia Boustani, senior consultant at Univers Retail in Paris, to discuss the theme of Brazilian fashion and its strengths.

For this first episode, they talked about buying and selling, how to convince shoppers in big boutiques or department stores when you’re a fashion brand.
Link to listen to the podcast in English here:

Serpentina Bikini

(Click on each brand name to discover their instagram)


Founded by Lenny Niemeyer, the brand creates pieces to showcase the glamor of every woman. From swimwear to ready-to-wear, Lenny is present worldwide, in South and North America, Europe, Australia, Asia and the Middle East.



Haight is a brand deeply rooted in authenticity. Never conforming to traditional styles and ideas, Haight aspires to blaze a new trail in swimwear. With styles that can be worn on and off the beach, the brand truly embraces a beach lifestyle. 



Serpentina is a bikini brand founded in 2017 in Brazil. Each collection is designed so women can mix and match pieces to create their favorite bikini. The brand is constantly on the lookout for the latest innovations in textile technology to create the best swimwear, and always drawing inspiration from nature to create its designs.

Serpentina’s mission is to protect oceans, rivers and lakes by restoring forests. For every piece of bikini they sell, they plant a new tree in a deforested area in collaboration with IPÊ – Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas, a Brazilian institute dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity through science. 



Catarina Mina is a Brazilian sustainable resort brand specializing in handmade. Each piece of the brand comes with a QR code that takes you to the page of the craftsman who made it. 



Created by Fabio Yukio, the brand offers clothing designed with a unique and artistic approach inspired by Brazilian luxury resorts. 



Twenty years ago, Paula Hermanny created ViX in San Diego, California for women seeking joy, beauty and confidence. Which are effortlessly sexy, vibrant and with personal style. 

Bold women like Paula’s grandmothers – one a highly skilled seamstress, the other a jet set model – who inspired her to launch the international brand. Deeply rooted in Brazilian beach, travel and wellness culture, ViX’s swimwear and resort collections reflect Paula’s origins and lifestyle.



Based in São Paulo, Fashion Label Brasil is the value-added Brazilian fashion internationalization program. Belonging to ABEST (Brazilian Association of Fashion Designers), the program was created more than 17 years ago in partnership with ApexBrasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency).

About 150 Brazilian brands are currently supported by the project, which positions Brazilian fashion abroad, enhancing the image of an innovative and contemporary Brazil.

The program includes strategic and commercial promotion activities for the different segments of Brazilian fashion, such as women’s and men’s fashion, beachwear, sportswear, footwear and accessories, jewelry and costume jewelry, helping to expand their operations in the international market.




The ABEST (Brazilian Association of Fashion Designers) and Fashion Label Brasil support author fashion brands, with high added value and high positioning that make up all the verticals of the heart of fashion, namely: clothing, accessories, shoes, jewelry, handbags, glasses, beachwear.

The association operates as an environment for the exchange of information and experiences between its members and strives to meet their individual needs through training; provision of market data; promoting its products; and the identification of business opportunities in Brazil and abroad.

Its main objective is to help the development of Brazilian brands with an international reach and to promote the Brazilian lifestyle, thus contributing to the growth of all fashion-related segments.

Created in 2003, the Brazilian Association of Fashion Designers aims to strengthen and promote Brazilian design and fashion.



ApexBrasil also coordinates efforts to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to the country, identifying business opportunities and promoting strategic events, while ensuring the necessary support for the foreign investor throughout. of the process.

It organizes trade promotion actions in partnership with entities in the sector, such as prospective and trade missions, business round tables, supports the participation of Brazilian companies in international fairs and organizes visits by foreign buyers and of opinion makers to learn about the Brazilian production process.

Currently, the agency supports more than twelve thousand companies and 82 productive segments of the Brazilian economy, which export products to more than 200 international markets.

The purpose of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency is to develop the competitiveness of Brazilian companies, promote the internationalization of its activities and attract foreign direct investment.


Lenny Niemeyer launches its new winter collection inspired by the period of dematerialization we live in, where the boundary between real and virtual universes begins to disappear. The stylist created her own interpretation of reality through images that convey lightness and fluidity in the pieces.

The brand’s connection with the plastic arts is evident in all of the season’s prints, as well as nature, which appears in elements reflected on immaterial surfaces. “This collection arrives lit up with points of citrus colors and reissues of lycra models and clothes from runway shows and past campaigns that I love. An interesting counterpoint to digital prints with a more modernist feel,” says Lenny, CEO and Creative Director. For Telma Azevedo, the brand’s Style Director, “Maximized textures and vibrant colors are the highlights of our collection. In a world permeated by digital experience, textures are an invitation to experience other senses, in addition to vision. Digital, lively tones such as citrus and carmine, illuminate the color chart, in balance with colors from nature, such as sage and mocha”.

For the season, the brand strengthens the development of on-demand pieces, where some bases are reinterpretations of iconic fashion shows and campaigns. Lenny Niemeyer also reinforces the responsibility of creating pieces that combine quality with the reduction of environmental impacts with the BioWear line, made with raw materials such as Bio Lycra CO², Malha BAM, Viscose Bio, Recycled BioNyl and ECONYL®. Another bet of the brand is the pieces made manually through the sustainable management of Brazilian natural fibers, such as Carnaúba straw, Buriti fiber, Wicker and Caroá.

With photos by Pedro Loreto and styling by Daniel Ueda, the new season’s pieces can be found in physical stores and online.
















Mayara Rovery talks about inspiration for her startup and talks about a master class given in France.

Mayara Rovery is, in addition to Sustainability Coordinator at ABEST, founder of Yby Bank, a startup for the purchase and sale of second-hand gold and the first reuse metal bank in Brazil. The idea came when she was working with her sister on product development at Mariah Rovery jewelry brand. Within the brand, she began to worry about where the metals used in the confection would come from, studied where she would have gold with a certificate of origin and looked for other ways to capture the raw material, such as jewelry auctions and trunk shows.

Founded 1 year ago, the purpose of YbY Bank is to raise awareness about illegal mining, one of the subjects currently in great focus in Brazil due to the case of the Yanomami indigenous people in the Amazon rainforest. And the YBY Bank process works like this: the already industrialized gold pieces are purchased from a company or individual, purified and returned to the market, each piece with its QR Code telling about the origin of the raw material.

In order to present her solutions and raise awareness among new luxury fashion designers and entrepreneurs, Mayara was invited by the Sorbonne University of France to give a Master Class. In the class, she contextualized the Yanomami crisis to bring the concern to the students about why reuse gold and the importance of knowing the origin of the product to avoid new extractions.

The project has interaction with consumers and is called Corrente do Bem. If you liked the project and have gold or silver pieces for sale, send a message to Yby Bank: https://www.ybybank.com.br/como-vender.

After the evaluation, they make the withdrawal for those who are from São Paulo and for other cities, they generate a postage code.

Mayara Rovery also gave an interview on Reset Podcast: “Is conscious mining possible?” which you can check here.

Sy&Vie is selected with 10 other fashion brands to walk the Satisfashion show during Paris Fashion Week.

The Always Support Talent project was founded by Flávia Cannata in 2017, focused on supporting and presenting new talents in the fashion industry such as designers, photographers, stylists and makeup artists through fashion events and editorials.

On March 6th, the Satisfashion collective show, presented by Always Support Talent, will take place at the American Cathedral Paris (France) and selects 11 brands for the catwalks. Among them, the handbag brand Sy&Vie, the only Brazilian brand present at the event.

“Unique handmade bags, inspired by nature. We started in 2014 with many ideas and a compelling purpose: to reconnect with nature.

The beauty of nature is captivating, it inspires us. We use age-old handicraft techniques to recreate it, always with a modern, colorful look and a taste of our Brazilian spirit.

Here are some of our techniques: Woodcarving, Wood inlay, Assemblage.

At the head of this brand is Sylvie Quartara, an extraordinary craftswoman, with more than 20 years of experience producing home and fashion accessories both in Brazil and in the main fashion centers of the world, such as Milan, London and Paris.”

She signs all her creations as Sy & Vie, based on her passion for ancestral heritage techniques and timeless inspiration from nature. Its first bags were made of inlaid wood in 2014, a technique that was unprecedented in Brazil at the time. In 2018 she was ready to take it a step further through her coined signature technique “Assemblage”, working with forgotten fragments of nature. This innovative technique took over a year to develop and refine, once again offering a fresh perspective on fashion.

For more information, visit https://www.alwaysupportalent.com/focus-on.

Bringing together approximately 450 brands and designers from all over the world, the Première Classe Paris fair will take place from March 3rd to 6th at the Jardin des Tuileries, Paris (France). With the support of ApexBrasil and Abest, 8 national brands will be present, exhibiting a selection of accessories rich in Brazilianness.

In operation for 34 years, the event takes place during Paris Fashion Week and features designers of jewelry, footwear, textile accessories and other accessories chosen especially for their creativity, originality and style. Representing Abest, the Brazilian brands that will exhibit their products at the fair will be Dotz, Room, Sy&Vie, Thais Bernardes, Luciana Laborne and Serpui. Sophia Hegg will be representing TexBrasil and Melissa representing Brazilian Footwear.

The traditional fair is aimed especially at buyers, stylists, journalists and fashion schools, always looking for the irreverence of colors and shapes that Brazilian design offers.

About ApexBrasil

The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. The Agency carries out diversified trade promotion actions, aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits by foreign buyers and opinion makers to learn about the Brazilian production structure, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand. ApexBrasil coordinates efforts to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to Brazil with a focus on strategic sectors for developing the competitiveness of Brazilian companies and the country.


Created in 2003, the Brazilian Association of Fashion Designers aims to strengthen and promote Brazilian design and fashion. Its main proposal is to help the development of Brazilian brands with an international reach and guarantee the authenticity and creativity of each one of them, in addition to publicizing the Brazilian lifestyle, thus contributing to the growth of all segments linked to fashion. Currently, ABEST, which is not for profit, has 120 brands from all over Brazil that export products to 57 countries. In addition, it constantly carries out strategic actions to expand penetration into new markets around the world and strengthen relationships with those already conquered.


FASHION LABEL BRASIL, Program for the Internationalization of Brazilian Fashion with Added Value, was created in 2003 by ABEST in partnership with APEXBRASIL, whose proposal is to position the image of Brazilian fashion abroad, valuing the image of an innovative and contemporary Brazil. The program has strategic activities — Buyer and Image Project, International Fairs and Fashion Shows, Showroom Project, in addition to special actions — to expand penetration into new markets around the world and strengthen relationships with those already conquered.


The Brazilian Textile and Fashion Industry Internationalization Program (TEXBRASIL) works with companies in the textile and clothing sector to develop strategies to conquer the global market. Over 20 years, it has already helped around 1600 brands to enter the export trail, doing USD 9 billion in business. The Program is carried out through a partnership between ABIT and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (APEXBRASIL).


Brazilian Footwear is an export incentive program developed by Abicalçados in partnership with ApexBrasil. This program aims to increase exports of Brazilian footwear brands through development, commercial and image promotion actions aimed at the international market.

Ana Ferrari to exhibit her brand ANK Jewellery at The Museum of Arts and Design in New York

Art has got an in-depth historical significance in the field of design. Especially, the artwork and creations in jewellery design are rooted in history. Representing physical and spiritual experiences through art, Ana Ferrari has earned a reputation for being one of the finest sculptors and jewellery designers. The artist and designer is the creative director at  ANK Jewellery, an artistic space representing sculptural jewellery.

Ana’s passion for becoming an artist goes back to her graduation days when she was pursuing Business Administration and Fashion Designing.  However, she had a creative flair for designing jewellery pieces having an ancestral legacy as she understands beauty in symbology rather than only in form. Leading by her enormous curiosity and profound questions about humanity, Ana Ferrari has explored five continents to find the perfect gems, metals, stories and cultures.

While her designs and sculptures depict spiritual growth, she studied the crystalline systems of different gems in Brazil, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Nepal. Having visited the biggest fairs in Hong Kong and Tucson, she has monitored the extraction of gold in Oman, witnessed the mining of tanzanite in Africa and perfected her artistic skills in Italy, Germany, Austria and England among others.

With the global exposure Ana Ferrari holds with her work, she will represent ANK Jewellery at The Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) in New York. The exhibition will bring acclaimed artists from across the globe under one roof. 

“Fine art jewellery is at the very heart of MAD’s history, permanent collection, and future,” said Tim Rodgers, MAD’s Director. “Aligning our RE:FINE store event with our exhibition, Jewelry Stories, helps our supporters recognize this fact and encourages them to curate their own jewellery collection made by some of the most acclaimed artists working today.”

In addition, The Museum of Arts and Design is by far one of the most desirable shopping destinations in New York. 

“It’s a chance for the MAD community to interact with and invest in fine jewellery artists who are redefining the modern heirloom,”  said Sathya Balakumar, the Director of Merchandising. 

Founded in 1956 by Aileen Osborn Webb, MAD celebrates the creativity of contemporary jewellery design, and the exhibitions promote rich cultures and traditions. 

Speaking about exhibiting ANK Jewellery on an international scale, Ferrari said, “MAD curatorial and heritage interested for the most relevant jewellery in history is remarkable and I feel honoured to showcase my artwork there.” A majority of jewellery designs at ANK Jewellery celebrate the rich diversity of cultures in the world. 

Earlier this year, Ana Ferrari had an opportunity to represent Brazil globally. The prolific artist exhibited her sculpture called ‘Wind’ at the 59th Venice Art Biennale which began on April 23, 2022. The sculpture explains the meaning of wind in the creative context and was developed during her artistic residency at the Azulik City of Arts – Uhmay, Mexico.

