
ABEST supports the 4th edition of the Brasil Criativo Award

On the eve of São Paulo’s birthday (January 24), the 4th edition of the Brasil Criativo Prize took place at the Centro Cultural de São Paulo, an official award for the Brazilian Creative Economy, presented by 3M and supported by the Ministry of Culture and Abest.

The event idealized by Lucas Foster was attended by the finalists and professionals from each area, concerts by the Bloco Afro IIu Oba de Min and by the singer, actress and indigenous activist Kaê Guajarara, in addition to the exhibition of the Fashion Sampa Program (partnership with SPFW and Casa de Criadores).

The pieces exhibited by Fashion Sampa were made by women from Cidade Tiradentes (existing wave or the largest residential complex in Latin America) and Brasilândia, due to neighborhoods related to a high rate of femicide in São Paulo. In pursuit of productivity in the labor market and income generation, 32 pieces were produced that resonated around the world due to their visibility in the closing parades of the last SPFW in November, highlighting the great professionals and creators in the communities.

Among the pieces, a versatile cover that can be transformed and several other pieces, has origins such as pillows, customized blouses and revisited personal pieces, reusing textile waste. The print on this work expresses regionality, diversity, gender relations and life, made together by several different creative hands.

Who took the prize of the night in the Fashion category was Marca Foz (São Paulo, SP), which was a finalist alongside Estamparia Artesanal (Barra Mansa, RJ) and Oyá Criativa (Salvador, BA).

To check out the winners in all categories, visit
