Desde 2005, a VERT tem criado tênis diferentes, misturando projetos sociais, justiças econômicas e materiais ecológicos. A união VERT e Darwin traz os modelos nunca lançados, os protótipos, com defeitos mínimos a preços reduzidos e alguns pares da antiga coleção. 

Limpar, reparar e reciclar são as metas entre VERT e Darwin, em testes laboratoriais para criar a loja do futuro. Uma oficina de sapateiro irá reparar e limpar pares de tênis usados, enquanto aqueles em más condições serão coletados e reciclados. 

Darwin é um lugar diferente, um playground em tamanho real para ecologia e inovação social, inspirada na culturas urbanas. Inaugurada em Bordeaux em 2017, seu fundador Philippe Barre teve o desejo e a coragem para renovar esse antigo quartel e transformá-lo em um espaço alternativo, para compartilhamento e reflexão do papel da empresa a serviço do interesse geral e coletivo. 

Esse lugar reúne 50 associações e 200 empresas, quebrando os tradicionais meios de integrar arte, varejo, cultura, trabalho e esporte. Conhecido também por ser um espaço co-working, Darwin é um espaço para compartilhar. Este antigo quartel militar de 90.000 m² no Quai des Queyries, revitaliza a imagem certa de Bordeaux. Abriga cerca de um milhão de pessoas todos os anos, 800 pessoas trabalham lá todos os dias, e esse número tende a crescer conforme os próximos meses. 

Atuando como um núcleo ativista, Darwin desenvolveu uma fazenda urbana, um parque de skate gigante, espaços para artistas grafiteiros, uma mercearia orgânica e um restaurante orgânico chamado Le Magasin Général. Nos últimos anos, Darwin acolheu refugiados e tem sido solidário durante o confinamento social. 

Todo ano, Darwin organiza o festival CLÍMAX que reúne música e debates em torno de assuntos contemporâneos. Convidados tanto como a primatologista Jane Goodall, o filósofo Edgar Morin, o ativista amazônico Raoni ou a atriz Marion Cotillard são bem-vindos. O antigo quartel militar tornou-se um exemplo internacional de comprometimento ecológico. A VERT escolheu este lugar híbrido para lançar seu novo projeto: um espaço para limpar, reparar e reciclar seus pares antigos. 

Sabendo que os sapatos são responsáveis por um quinto dos impactos ambientais gerados pela indústria de vestuário, a designer Paula Ferber decidiu introduzir a matéria-prima EVA green em sua linha de produção de sapatos, bolsas e objetos para o lar.

A EVA Green é uma resina vegetal produzida a partir da cana-de-açúcar, conhecida mundialmente como polietileno verde. Com características como flexibilidade, leveza e resistência, o EVA Green contribui para a redução dos gases causadores do efeito estufa ao capturar e fixar CO² durante seu processo produtivo. Os produtos são identificados pela já conhecida tag com o desenho de um abacaxi, desta vez, na cor verde.

“Minha marca fará 20 anos e, ao refletir sobre como eu gostaria de comemorar esta data, resolvi estudar de que forma diminuir os impactos da nossa empresa no planeta, começando com mudanças de processos e matérias-primas. Com o objetivo de fazer moda e design brasileiros da forma mais autêntica, respeitosa e funcional possíveis para nossa realidade de País e de mundo. Um marco inicial de uma evolução de impacto positivo na marca, para que nossas escolhas sejam cada vez mais sustentáveis”, afirma Paula.

A empresa estabeleceu em 2019 uma parceria com a Materia LAB, empresa de consultoria em sustentabilidade, para analisar os impactos dos processos de produção. Trabalhando em conjunto com toda a equipe da marca, a Materia Lab coletou dados em nível de origem, ciclo de vida e rastreabilidade dos materiais e fornecedores, processos de criação e desenvolvimento até o produto acabado, seus pontos de venda e distribuição em todo o País.

Nessa segunda-feira, dia 29, Alberto Hiar, presidente da ABEST, se encontrou com o presidente do Senado Davi Alcolumbre na residência oficial do Senado, em Brasília.

Na ocasião, o presidente da associação apresentou a ABEST e suas ações em prol da indústria de moda autoral. Durante a reunião, Davi Alcolumbre disse que vai conversar com o Ministro da Economia Paulo Guedes sobre uma possível medida que atenda às necessidades do setor de moda, como a criação de uma linha crédito especial.

“Estou muito satisfeito em saber que o presidente do Senado é sensível às demandas do setor de moda e vê as necessidades do estilista/marca brasileiro, principalmente nesse momento de crise”, conta Alberto Hiar.

From September 30th to October 6th, Brazilian brand Wai Wai will attend the Valery Demure showroom, in Paris. On the occasion, the brand will show its latest Summer 21 collection.

This effort has the support of Fashion Label Brasil - Program of Internationalization of Value-Added Brazilian Fashion, created by ABEST in partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Agency for Promotion of Exports and Investments).

Celebrating the 75 years of diplomatic relations between Australia and Brazil, the Australia-Brazil Business Council – AUBRBC has the pleasure to invite members and friends to attend our B.Talks special series of free online events.

The event is organized in collaboration with the Consulate General of Brazil in Sydney, the Embassy of Brazil in Canberra and further partners and it takes place every first Thursday of the month.

Next B.Talks will discuss “Textile and Fashion Industry” featuring the following experts:

Caterina Graziosi – Brilliant Minds Consulting – profile

Laurent Kabbabe, Louis Vuitton former CFO Latin America – profile  

Rafael Cervone, ABIT President Emeritus – profile

Renata Facchini, Liquido Active Ceo – profile 

Flavia Egypto – APEX Trade Promotion Specialist -profile

Lourenço Bartholomei – ABEST Vice President – profile

Thais Oso – AUBRBC Board Director – Moderator -profile

On Thursday, July, 2nd at 8:30am Australia Eastern Standard Time

On Wednesday, July, 1st at 7:30pm Brasilia Time

B.Talks is a series of events created by the Australia Brazil Business Council where participants have the opportunity to listen and interact in an insightful Talk with experts and authorities in the relevant fields of international trade. 

Previous editions featured experts in Innovation, Digital Marketing, Finance, Social Media, Agribusiness and Bilateral Opportunities after Covid-19. The event is sponsored by the Consulate General of Brazil in Sydney. Supported by Austrade, Apex, Abest, Abit, Embassy of Brazil in Canberra, IBREI and LATAM Airlines. 

Marcia Kemp, founder of the Rio de Janeiro brand Nannacay, attends a digital panel at FASHINNOVATION NYC, which will take place on June 5th, alongside international leaders from the fashion and technology industries, as well as personalities from various institutions.

The talk will focus on sustainability, "the future of fashion", solidarity and hope - with a strong emphasis on "World Environment Day" and "World Oceans Day".

In the face of the global crisis caused by COVID-19, the Brazilian Fashion Designers Association prepared a protocol proposal for fashion brands orientation and adaptation in the period of activities and social circulation reopening. The protocol was sent to São Paulo city hall, which will analyze the proposal together with the Secretary for Economic Development and Labor and the Secretary of Health. 

São Paulo city hall wants to resume the reopening of the economy alongside with the sectorial unions so that the reopening will take place in the safest way, preventing coronavirus contagion from employees and customers. 

Check the proposed protocol below: 



• Hand sanitizer must be available at the entrance and inside of store locations.

• Objects of systematic use and all surfaces must be clean and disinfect. Credit card machines and readers must be wiped in front of the customer before use and bundled up in clear plastic wrap.

• All store entrances must have cleaning shoes solutions available for customers.

• Locations must remove services and amenities that delay customers exiting the stores.

• It is imperative that the adopted hygiene protocol is flagged clearly in the stores, bringing maximum security to the customer.

• Stores must consider keeping the changing rooms closed, or ensuring social distance between fitting rooms, and incorporating its regular heavy and detailed cleaning.

• Stores must consider some possible solutions for the try out pieces and touched inventory, which include its storage, the use of technological cleaning products that kill the virus or the use of high temperature steamers.

• Stores should invest in glass or acrylic displays, which highlight the goods and make its easy cleaning, in addition to visual resources such as video or images that show its use. If the customer tries something out, everything that he or she touches must be sanitized.


• Inform clearly, through audiovisual resources, in physical spaces and even on social media, the hygiene protocols adopted by the brand, as well as guidelines for safe servicing in stores.

Social Distancing

• Limiting the number of consumers within the store, ensuring that they are at a minimum distance of 1.5m  (6 feet -about 2 arms’ length) between customers and / or employees.

• Whenever possible, adopting self-servicing and delivery solutions.

Opening hours

• Operating at reduced hours, as directed by the health authorities, in addition to studying the possibility of a period of the day to attend scheduled appointments only.

• Enforcing mandatory masks usage by customers and employees.

• Cloth masks must be double layered and must be changed every 2 hours or whenever it gets damp. After its use, the mask must be stored in a sealed plastic bag to be washed at home, and ironed in high temperatures.

• Disposable masks must be made of TNT and may be disposed of in ordinary trash cans.

• Remove the face covering by un-tying it or removing the loops from your ears, avoiding touching the front of the mask when removing it.


• Make your team feel safe with clear communication, with hygiene and safety equipment (hand sanitizer, masks and / or gloves) provided.

• Removing sensitive risk groups employees and reducing overall number of employees inside the stores, using alternative working schedules.

• Avoiding sharing of personal items, such as computers, landlines and cell phones. If there is a need to share, sanitize the item before and after sharing it with hand sanitizer or 70% Alcohol.

• Performing crew’s temperature and well being checks on arrival and departure from work place. If a worker shows COVID-19 symptoms, he or she must immediately inform the manager for immediate withdrawal from the team. The person’s return shall only be allowed after being cleared by medical authorization.

• The WHO recommendation is that all teams members that have had direct contact with the infected employee must be isolated for 14 days.

ABEST (Brazilian Fashion Designers Association) announces the guild’s new president: businessman Alberto Hiar, from Cavalera (a Brazilian garment and accessories brand founded in 1995). Hiar replaces Paulo Lourenço Bartholomei, from Cecilia Prado brand, which now holds the position of vice president. 

“Taking over ABEST presidency is one of the biggest challenges in my career. I want to continue the excellent work done by the previous management, where we won new partnerships, associated brands and visibility in the foreign market”, says Alberto Hiar. 

The result of the election was announced on April 27th, and the new board will remain in office for the next three years. “During this term of office the new board and I will work on ABEST’s great potential to be a spokesperson for Brazilian fashion for the benefit of our members,” adds Hiar. 

Created in 2003, the Brazilian Fashion Designers Association aims to strengthen and promote Brazilian design and fashion. Currently, the non-profit association has more than 120 brands across Brazil and they export goods to 57 countries. For these international actions, ABEST places the image of Brazilian fashion abroad via Fashion Label Brasil, a Brazilian fashion internationalization program in partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments).

“Our main focus is to continue to trade internationally, but the domestic market is still a priority. We want to expand our public and private resources, to show that the fashion industry is one of the strongest sectors of the economy and generates jobs ”, emphasizes the new president.

ABEST Board 

President: Alberto Hiar (Cavalera)

Vice President: Paulo Lourenço Bartholomei (Cecília Prado)

Executive Vice President: Gustavo de Almeida Assis (Lapima)

Treasurer: Renata Jorge Tinelli (Fernando Jorge)

Thinking about the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 virus pandemic, designer Ana Khouri created a one-of-a-kind special edition of her Mirian ring made with blue sapphires and reverted 100% of the proceeds to Doctors Without Borders, a non-governmental organization known for putting volunteers on the front lines of the world’s most dangerous wars, disease outbreaks, and natural disasters.

"I am deeply concerned about the lack of vital equipment and supplies in the medical community during this period. I felt the urge and duty to help, even if in a humble way, by supporting the brave men and women on the front lines who were fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m so in awe of the fashion community stepping in to help produce masks, hand sanitizer and gowns (among many other initiatives) to help healthcare workers all over the world. The best way to help is through my jewelry, ”explained the designer on her Instagram account.

“I chose blue sapphires for this piece as blue in many cultures is associated with hope, peace and protection. I hope my donation will help Doctors Without Borders to ensure that healthcare workers have the critical supplies they need “concludes Khouri.

American actress Emma Roberts, Eric Roberts daughter and actress Julia Roberts niece, chose a Brazilian brand to use while shopping at a local Hollywood market.

The Scream Queens star opted for Lapima sunglasses, a brand very desired - and used - among Hollywood celebrities.
